6th EU PEFC & ELECTROLYSER FORUM – held in July 2017

Delegates from the Consortium: Dr. Martin Biák (TUC), Dr. Hakan Yildirim (EWII)

  •  There were approximately 350 participants, majority was from the industry and research institutions, but there were also representatives from the EU, FCH J, etc.
  •  After the welcome speeches from the organizers and from the representative from Swiss Federal Office of Energy, followed the plenary speakers from Hydrogen Europe and from Shell.
  • After that, two parallel sessions ran simultaneously – Automotive OEM Status (where the representatives from Toyota, Daimler, Honda, BMW, Audi, and Nissan gave lectures) and session focused on a catalysts and then on electrolyzers.
  • There were lectures from the industry (e.g. ZBT, Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells) and from various, mainly FCH JU, projects (e.g. Auto-Stack Core, INSPIRE, VOLUMETRIQ)
  • Apart from the lectures, there were 18 exhibitions (AVL, Bronkhorst, Swagelok and others). Toyota MIRAI and Honda CLARITY were available for ride and drive.
  • During the poster sessions, people from OEM suppliers (e.g. Schaeffler Group, PowerCell, and balticFuelCells), research institutions (e.g. ZBT, ZSW, and the Liten Institute) questioned me about our Fit-4-AMandA poster. They asked about the aim of the project, about its future products and for what they will be used. Moreover, the member of a team dedicated to the Energy Demonstration Project facility at the European Investment Bank (EIB) asked me about our project. She wanted to know, whether we are interested in up scaling the manufacture later on. Her team seeks to help firms in associated countries to bridge the gap between demonstration and commercialization of innovative energy technologies and/or manufacturing facilities. EIB provides loans of between EUR 7.5m and EUR 75m.
  • Apart from the EFCF core conference program, I also visited a One Day Workshop on Monitoring, Diagnostics and Control for Fuel Cells organized by FCH-JU projects DIAMOND + HEALTH-CODE and EFCF. It had 37 participants and it focused on the implementation and use of the FC technology beyond the project duration.

Conference website

Official photogallery





Pictures from www.EFCF.com


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