Situated in the center of the Chemnitz “Wissenschaftsregion” (“science region”), the Technische Universität (TU) Chemnitz is home to more than 11,400 students from 91 countries. With approximately 2,300 employees in science, engineering and management, the TU Chemnitz is among the most important employers in the region. Today, the TU Chemnitz stands for outstanding research.
Within the core competencies “Materials and Smart Systems”, scientists are also involved in the Federal Cluster of Excellence “Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden” (cfAED). The COOL SILICON “Energy Efficiency Innovations from Silicon Saxony” high-performance cluster provides further important input. Within “Resource-efficient Production and Lightweight Structures” and “Humans and Technology”, solutions for the challenges of tomorrow are developed. The main focus in economic and social development is the creation of value, which in turn is influenced by major trends such as globalization, demographic change and the availability of resources.
The core competency “Resource-efficient Production and Lightweight Structures” is based upon the work of the Federal Cluster of Excellence “Merge Technologies for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures” (MERGE). With 34 million Euros in funding, this cluster is the only one in Germany focusing on the trend-setting technology field of lightweight construction. The foundation for this extraordinary development was created in part by the Saxon State Cluster of Excellence “Energy-efficient Product and Process Innovations in Production Engineering” (eniPROD), which was jointly established with the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU. In addition, there are also collaborative research groups funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), such as “High-strength aluminum-based lightweight construction materials for safety components” as well as two additional research facilities in cooperation with other universities.
This year, we are building infrastructure for fuel cell testing, which will be one of the best in Europe (high-capacity hydrogen storage and test station able to handle systems with power up to 150 kW).